Bluestein Attorneys is a top-ranked law firm in Columbia, South Carolina.
They specialize in VA Disability, Social Security Disability, and Workers’ Compensation.
Bluestein Attorneys is rated among the top law firms in Columbia, SC. Founded in 2000, Bluestein Attorneys offers representation in a number of practice areas and regularly receives top rankings for the Columbia Metropolitan area for its work in Appellate Practice, Workers’ Compensation Law, Criminal Defense, and VA Disability.
Bluestein Attorneys joined us as a client in Q4 of 2015, just as the inbound marketing methodology was gaining mass popularity. Since that time, like clockwork, every year has brought fresh challenges that continue to prove just how little you can depend on any one-size-fits-all strategy.

Content Marketing Strategy
The Bluestein Attorneys website wasn’t generating enough traffic to meet their lead goals. For the first two years we focused on content creation to fill the gaps in Bluestein’s content strategy. We also pruned and reorganized ineffective content and built lead generation funnels to capture specific personas and increase conversion rates.

Rebranding Strategy
In Q4 of 2017, Bluestein Attorneys rebranded their firm, including a change in name and web address. Our content strategies had greatly increased web traffic and leads, but a domain name change threatened that growth. In the months leading up to the change, we developed a detailed plan for rolling out the new brand.

Content Restructuring & Redesign
Two years after starting our successful content creation strategy, we began remapping and restructuring the Bluestein Attorneys website — organizing topic clusters and pillar pages, and optimizing their internal linking — in preparation for a complete redesign of the site, which launched in January 2019.

In three years of working with Bluestein Attorneys,
we’ve increased their organic search traffic by 425% and web-generated leads by 750%.

Your agency should rise to your level – not ask you to sink to theirs.
From the very beginning, Bluestein Attorneys made it clear that they needed a partner who would maintain and improve their reputation as a top law firm in the region. They were not interested in fitting our mold — we needed to fit theirs. So, from the time they started working with us over three years ago, we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing the specialized service that a respected law firm requires — from strategy to copywriting.
By choosing and sticking with us since 2015, Bluestein Attorneys has paid us an incredible complement. We are very pleased with the results we’ve generated for them, but we’re even more happy to hear them refer to us as trusted strategic partners.
Your first response to any challenge has to be a strategy.
The challenges that we’ve faced with Bluestein Attorneys are as varied as they come. Most of our clients need more traffic or leads, but rarely do we deal with name changes in the middle of a successful content marketing strategy. Rarely do we restructure and redesign the website after three years of content marketing. Rarely do we face as many legal considerations as when we are writing content for a law firm.
If all you need is traffic and leads, then you may find that certain blanket methodologies work for you for a time. However, if yours is a business that faces diverse challenges, or if you’ve already been working from a formula for a time and the positive results are fading away, then you need to start thinking strategically.
Bluestein Attorneys rejected the option to partner with an agency that worked exclusively in their industry for this reason. The most valuable tool you can have when building a strategy is perspective, and they believed in our ability to better provide that perspective for them.
Understand the real value of content creation.
Adding content won’t automatically add value or increase positive results. In reality, this strategy is only effective when you are moving from a place where you don’t have content to a place where you have good content.
We employed an aggressive content creation strategy for Bluestein Attorneys for two years in order to fill significant gaps in their content map. We measured our success with this strategy by defining a specific end goals that would guide us in producing new content. We approached content creation with a map in hand and a mutual understanding that this strategy was a short term solution – not a magic recipe for long-term success.
Having defined specific metrics that we would use to measure the success of this particular strategy, it became apparent very quickly when it was time to shake up our approach.
From the beginning of the relationship, we sat down and met with Doug and discussed our company — what we were looking to grow as part of our digital marketing efforts. What we got was a tailor made plan for us, specific to our digital marketing needs. We don’t make any decisions about our future digital marketing plans without running them by Waypost first.

What We Learned

Doug Fowler
President and Executive Strategist
We've been working with Bluestein Attorneys since the beginning of 2016 and our partnership has continued to evolve over the years. We've grown from being a website and SEO partner to a trusted advisor.
During this time, I've learned the value of operating at a deeper level for our clients, really digging into the business goals and developing strategies to help them achieve their goals. We've learned that marketing tactics without strategy is not a recipe for long-term success, which is why we don't lean on any one formula to grow a client's business. Instead, with Bluestein Attorneys we began sitting down and planning 90 day strategies that specifically addressed our goals for the coming quarter. This process has proven to keep us more keenly focused on activities that return the most value overall.
The key to a successful digital strategy is not the ability to develop and stick to a long-term formula, but the ability to always be strategically planning content that works for your short and long term growth goals.