Waypost — Where sales and marketing alignment drives unstoppable growth.

At Waypost Marketing, we've pinpointed a critical catalyst for business growth that many overlook: the power of unity between sales and marketing teams. In today’s fast-paced market, alignment between these two powerhouse teams isn't just beneficial—it's essential. That's why we're thrilled to introduce the Sales & Marketing Alignment Workshop, a transformative experience designed to turn your sales and marketing teams from independent operators into a unified force for growth.

Why Alignment Matters Now More Than Ever

When driving revenue, sales and marketing are partners that have historically stepped on each other's toes. We've seen firsthand how misalignment can lead to missed opportunities, decreased efficiency, and, ultimately, a decline in revenue growth. From inconsistent messaging that confuses potential customers to inefficient lead management and lost sales opportunities, the cost of misalignment is too high to ignore.

This program is ideal for companies that are:

  • Looking to shorten their sales cycle duration.
  • Experiencing a disconnect between marketing and sales teams.
  • Navigating the waters of mergers and acquisitions.
  • Struggling to meet expected deal numbers or generate sufficient sales-qualified leads.
  • Marketing teams seeking a better return on investment.

The Sales & Marketing Alignment Workshop Experience

Our comprehensive program is more than just a seminar; it's a hands-on, collaborative journey designed to align your sales and marketing teams toward common goals. Here's what you can expect:

  • Diagnostic Assessment: We start by understanding where you stand and identifying gaps, challenges, and opportunities for growth.
  • Alignment Strategies: Dive into interactive sessions that forge a unified strategy, shared goals, and common metrics for success.
  • Process Optimization: We’ll streamline your sales process, improve lead qualification, and ensure a smooth handover from marketing to sales.
  • Communication Framework: Establish a regular cadence and channels for ongoing collaboration between teams.
  • Action Plan Development: Together, we’ll craft a tailored action plan with clear steps, responsibilities, and timelines.
  • HubSpot SOP Integration: Implement a clear framework in HubSpot for seamless handoffs and communication.

Transformative Benefits

By joining the Sales & Marketing Alignment Workshop, you're not just investing in a service; you're setting the stage for:

Enhanced Team Collaboration

Break down the silos and foster a culture of mutual success.

Improved Lead Conversion

Ensure that high-quality leads are efficiently turned into sales.

Increased Revenue Growth

Drive sustainable growth by leveraging the combined strengths of your sales and marketing teams.

Better Customer Experience

Deliver a consistent and seamless journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Bridging the Gap

Why Waypost?

We bridge the gap between sales and marketing, guiding you towards impactful results.

At Waypost Marketing, we don't just talk the talk; we walk the walk. With years of experience in bridging the gap between sales and marketing for our clients, we're uniquely positioned to guide you towards achieving seamless alignment. Our approach is hands-on, data-driven, and tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring that you see real, impactful results.

I find it very difficult to find marketing agencies that can strategically and culturally align with my clients. Most seem more effective at taking money from my clients than they are at making money for my clients. I have found Waypost to be exceptional. Waypost's team has endeavored to align with my client's team strategically and culturally, and their price point is reasonable. It's good to work with an professional agency that so effectively enhances my client's brand. I recommend them, especially if you're using HubSpot.

Joseph Bartosch

Your Expert: Sara Gilstrap

Sara Gilstrap is a seasoned marketing professional with over 17 years of experience uniting sales and marketing teams for maximum impact. Her unique cross-functional background allows her to deeply understand each department’s motivations, challenges, and interdependencies.

Today, as a Marketing Strategist at Waypost Marketing, Sara leverages her first-hand experience to help clients tackle misalignment head-on through sales enablement and marketing initiatives. Her skills and expertise make her a powerhouse for uniting revenue teams.

No matter the industry, Sara can speak the respective “languages” of marketing and sales. She understands the pressures, motivations, and unique strengths each team brings to the table. This allows her to drill into the root causes of disconnects and develop holistic, sustainable solutions.

With Sara’s guidance, companies can finally dismantle organizational silos and unlock unstoppable growth

Take the First Step: Schedule a Free 15-minute Consultation.

Let's explore how our Sales & Marketing Alignment Workshop could be a game-changer for your business. We'll discuss your specific challenges and outline a path to an unstoppable go-to-market engine.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

Transform your sales and marketing teams into a unified force for growth. Schedule your Sales & Marketing Alignment Workshop today. Fill out the form on this page and take the first step towards unlocking your business’s full potential.

Your Partner in Sustainable Growth

At Waypost Marketing, we're more than consultants — we're your partner for lasting business transformation. With years of experience uniting sales and marketing teams, we bring deep expertise and an energizing approach to every engagement.